Hear our stories. Subscribe to stay up-to-date with the latest from our State of the People video series.

The State of The People Project is a powerful video series, highlight everyday Texans and the realities they are met with living and working in Texas.

No matter where we come from or what we look like, Texans want the same things—healthy families, safe communities, the freedom to earn a good living, and a voice in the decisions that shape our lives.

Our state leaders are telling one story about Texas, while everyday Texans are living another.

By centering our series on the lived realities of working Texans, we will hold our state leadership accountable and push for a future that reflects the needs and aspirations of all Texans, not just those in power. True progress can only be achieved when the voices of every Texan, rich or poor, young or old, are heard and prioritized in conversations about our state’s future.

Video Series

State of the People

Working Texans



Religious Freedom


Voting & Elections

LGBTQ+ Rights

Criminal Legal System

Free Speech

State Budget

Free Speech
